domenica 3 luglio 2011

Shooting With The Welsh Girl

Almost a perfect weekend. At least for a musician! After spending the whole Saturday on writing and recording the song you're about to listen (I ended mixing it at 02.00 o'clock in the moring!) I finally managed to sleep 10 hours (I woke at 12.00 with possibly the nastiest of the neighbour knocking at my door) and I had a nice long walk in a park (1 hour and an half!).

So! Here's my first song for this kind of strange summer diary. It's dealing with last weekend spent by the Taro River shooting our first professional video and the feelings I carried on with it. Everything of course revised by my imagination and artistic interpretation!

It's called "Shooting With The Welsh Girl", and that's what you get.

Shooting With The Welsh Girl by tinytide

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